How Many Thor Movies Are There? More Information About Thor Movies

There are four Thor movies. Thor Odinson, played by Chris Hemsworth, has the most solo movies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe as of the release of Thor: Love and Thunder. This mighty God of Thunder has worked extremely hard, especially when you consider the four Avengers films he appears in. Continue reading, you will learn more facts about Thor movies.

How Many Thor Movies Are There?

Altogether there are four solo films, including Thor: Love and Thunder, where the titular hero must defeat Gorr the God Butcher. The character’s MCU debut came in the movie called Thor, which came out in 2011, where he fought the Destroyer. It was followed by Thor: The Dark World, where he went up against Dark elf general Malekith and his army. Then Thor: Ragnarok arrived in 2017, with Thor teaming up with the Hulk, and the well-received film introduced fan-favorite Valkyrie.

Thor Movies in Chronological Order

Thor (2011)

One of the first major Chris Hemsworth movies, he made his MCU debut as the iconic Thor, God of Thunder in the MCU’s biggest early gamble, which was the full introduction of space and magic (well, cosmic “science”) to the saga. Kenneth Branagh directed this Shakespearean family squabble about an arrogant, untested God prince, who finds redemption after falling in love with a scientist on Earth, Natalie Portman’s Jane Foster. Thor discovers the true meaning of bravery and sacrifice after his brother Loki betrays him (Tom Hiddleston makes a big impression in the role).

The Avengers (2012)

In The Avengers, Thor joined Iron Man, Captain America, Hulk, Black Widow, and Hawkeye in a massive team-up effort to stop Loki from leading an alien invasion of Earth. The movie was a smash hit and gave fans their first glimpse of what the MCU was truly capable of when it came to fusing powerful characters and stories. However, because of its ensemble nature, Thor himself wasn’t the focus here as his story was mostly relegated to feeling responsible for his family’s evil nature.

Thor: The Dark World (2013)

In the aftermath of The Avengers, Thor clashed with Dark Elves and suffered a huge loss in the process. Jane found herself in Asgard for the first time after getting infected by a space substance known as the Aether (aka the “Reality Stone”) and defeated To begin (his first) redemptive arc, Loki took the first steps. While Thor: The Dark World isn’t the most highly regarded movie in the MCU, it does have some significant character moments.

Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)

The overstuffed Avengers: Age of Ultron left Thor, character-wise, in a terrible spot. With the most characters to service yet, Thor’s story, much of which wound up cut from the final film, involved seeing a vision of the Infinity Stones and learning that he was a “destroyer.” Naturally, he still helps save the day during the third-act action, aiding in the defeat of apocalypse-obsessed A.I. The least successful Thor performance was that of Ultron.

how many thor movies are there

Thor: Ragnarok (2017)

In charge of the third Thor movie, Taika Waititi produced Thor: Ragnarok, which at the time was the zaniest and funniest MCU film to date. So much chaos and calamity are crammed into (what is essential) a laugh-fest, including big deaths, fun MCU reveals, the destruction of major realms, and a direct lead into Avengers: Infinity War that it’s hard to fathom how it all worked. But it did, and it helped Thor’s character to be pushed away from somber drama and toward silly antics.

Avengers: Infinity War (2018)

Thor was able to maintain his comic book edge from Ragnarok in Infinity War while also being inserted into a very serious plot with significant consequences. Thor creates Stormbreaker, a cosmic axe, in search of a weapon to defeat Thanos. But did he arrive in time? And did he aim for the head? As a result of his behavior in this movie, Thor would go on a downward trajectory in subsequent films, leaving him unsure of his overall fate.

Avengers: Endgame (2019)

Thor was presented to us in Endgame in a way we had never seen him before. Everyone grieved the loss of half of all life in their own way, but Thor cried, sulked, and truly held himself responsible for everything that occurred. A trip through time and a visit with his deceased mother helped rekindle his passion for a final showdown with Thanos, this time with the fate of the universe at stake. Despite the film being extremely crowded, Thor had a significant impact.

Thor: Love and Thunder (2022)

Director Taika Waititi and Natalie Portman’s Jane returned for Thor’s fourth solo movie in a tale of two Thors and rekindled (yet tragic) love. While Natalie Portman bulked up for her new role as The Mighty Thor, Christian Bale played the villain as Gor the God Butcher, a grieving alien determined to slaughter all gods. Guns N’ Roses and the hysterical humor and action were successful.

What Marvel Movies Has Thor Been in?

In addition to his appearances in Thor, Thor: The Dark World, Thor: Ragnarok, and Thor: Love and Thunder, the Asgardian also starred in The Avengers in 2012, where they took on his brother Loki and then teamed up with Earth’s Mightiest Heroes again in Avengers: Age of Ultron in 2015 to take down the titular evil artificial intelligence. He takes a much more prominent role in both Avengers: Infinity War in 2018 and Avengers: Endgame in 2019, where it took two features to beat Thanos.

Hemsworth’s character appears in eight different movies total within the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Ragnarok has the highest score on Rotten Tomatoes out of all of the solos flicks, and Endgame has the highest box office return. Some fans love classic blonde-eyebrow Thor, and some even enjoy The Dark World.

Will There Be a 5 Thor Movie?

There isn’t a Thor 5 release date yet because the movie hasn’t been declared. If a fifth Thor film is made, it will probably be at least a few years away and may not come out until 2025 or later.

Conclusion on Thor Movies

Director Taika Waititi and Natalie Portman’s Jane returned to the Thor franchise for his fourth solo film, which told the tale of two Thors and their rekindled (yet tragic) love. While Portman bulked up for her new role as The Mighty Thor, Christian Bale played the villain as Gor the God Butcher, a grieving alien determined to massacre all gods. Guns N’ Roses, riotous humor, intense action, and moving moments all contributed to the victory.