How Long Do Lizards Live? How To Extend Lizards Life?

Reptiles are called lizards to inhabit every continent except Antarctica. The number of lizard species is actually over 6,000. When living in captivity as pets, lizards are able to live anywhere between 20-50 years of age! The habitat and amount of space available to a lizard have a significant impact on its lifespan. Continue reading, and you will learn the fats affect lizards’ life, and how to extend lizards’ lives.

How Long Do Lizards Live?

An average lizard lives about five years in the wild. However, lizards can live anywhere from 20 to 50 years when kept as pets and kept in captivity! The habitat a lizard lives in and the amount of space it is given have a significant impact on its lifespan. The lifespan of a lizard depends on its species type.

Let’s take a look at the lifespans of a few memorable lizard species:

  • Leopard geckos: A leopard gecko could live for up to 20 years under ideal circumstances. It has one of the longest life spans among lizard species.
  • Bearded dragons: If given the proper care, bearded dragons can live with you for up to 15 years.
  • Crested geckos: The lifespan of crested geckos ranges from 15 to 20 years.

Many species will be impacted by climate change, according to recent research on the telomere length and lifespan of desert lizards that was published in the Journal of Thermal Biology. It was found that even one week of exposure to a simulated heat wave significantly decreased telomere length and decreased lizard overwinter survival. Therefore, heat waves may negatively affect the desert agama’s lifespan, potentially contributing to a possible decline in lizard lifespans as a result of climate change.

What is the Lizard Life Cycle?

The lizard life cycle has three distinct phases. Let’s look at the lizard’s life cycle in greater detail to gain a better understanding.


Almost all lizards will lay eggs. The leathery shells of the majority of lizard eggs allow water to pass through. To shield their eggs from predators, female lizards will even bury them. This is the period when the embryo develops inside the eggs. In order to crack the eggshell, lizards use their egg teeth or caruncles. After the egg’s shell has been cracked, the young lizards remain inside it for 12 to 24 hours so that they can absorb all of the remaining yolks.

Juvenile Stage

After hatching, young lizards are completely capable of taking care of themselves. The majority of lizard parents do not tend to defend their young. A juvenile lizard won’t undergo many noticeable changes before becoming an adult, aside from getting bigger as they get older.

Adult Stage

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When a lizard reaches sexual maturity, it becomes an adult. Different species have various mating rituals. In order to draw the attention of females during mating, males extend their frills.

What Impacts the Lifespan of Lizards?

The length of a lizard’s life in the wild depends on a variety of factors. One of these threats is habitat loss. climate change, invasive species, predation, and overexploitation.

The destruction and loss of habitat are one of the biggest threats to amphibian and reptile populations. The declines in lizard population sizes and species diversity have been attributed to habitat loss and degradation. By eliminating wetlands as breeding grounds, amphibian and aquatic reptile populations start to decline.

In the wild, lizards must be on the lookout for a variety of predators.

These include:

  • Birds such as hawks, owls, and eagles
  • Snakes
  • Foxes
  • Wolves
  • Coyotes

Since many lizards inhabit rainforests, they have developed defense mechanisms to prevent becoming easy prey. They can therefore match the tree trunks, branches, and foliage by having an exterior that is either green or brown. In addition to being adept climbers, lizards that live in trees often have claws that allow them to hold onto branches. Some animals have toe pads that make it easier for them to cling to small branches and leaves. They have a built-in defense against their numerous predator’s thanks to all of these traits and skills.

How to Extend the Life of Your Pet Lizard?

You might be eager to bring home a small, amiable pet lizard after learning everything there is to know about lizards and their lifespan. We want to prolong their lives as much as we can, just like we do with all of our other pets. It’s not difficult to keep your lizard happy and healthy, especially if you follow the right procedures.

Provide the Proper Shelter

Each type of lizard shelter, varying in size, temperature, and contents, is necessary for its particular species.

As you have noticed from just the handful of lizards previously mentioned, there is no “one-size-fits-all” approach when it comes time to set up this reptile.

Research the particular species you are buying and make plans based on that information if you intend to keep a lizard.

One thing to keep in mind is that all lizards should have access to a heat source, like an overhead light.

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This is due to the fact that lizards are cold-blooded animals, and while they can naturally absorb heat from the sun, doing so in captivity is not possible.

Ensure There is Adequate Food and Water

Again, there is a need for research beforehand because lizard species differ in their diets.

However, the majority of these reptiles will thrive on fruits, vegetables, and small insects.

It’s crucial to make sure you feed your reptile the right amount based on its size and avoid over or underfeeding.

There should always be a sufficient water source available, and it should be checked every day, regardless of the lizard species.

Keep Your Lizard Happy

Making sure your lizard is not only healthy but also content and happy is one of the most crucial parts of lizard care.

Every species of lizard has a unique habit, with some preferring to hide in mulch and soil and others being ardent climbers.

The proper amount of stimuli must be present in your lizards’ environments in order to increase their longevity.

Happiness and safety are even more crucial to small lizards’ longevity than they are to larger ones.

How to Feed Lizards for Beginners?

How can you possibly choose when there are so many interesting and stylish lizards available? For beginners, McVeigh recommends the leopard gecko, blue tongue skink, bearded dragon, and crested gecko. “They require little maintenance, eat readily available food, aren’t overly large, and are entertaining to be around.” Despite the fact that these lizards are simple to care for, it’s important to set up their habitat before you bring them home. “The heating, lighting, nutrition, and humidity must be correct in the terrarium before you put your new pet in it,” notes McVeigh. Purchasing a lizard on the spur of the moment without the proper environment prepared will endanger its health.

How Long Does a Lizard Live Without Food?

You must be curious about how long a small house lizard can go without food if you own one. There is a possibility that a lizard won’t receive quality food. You must also be restricted in order to properly feed the little gecko. You should be aware that a lizard can go up to two weeks without eating. This varies depending on the species of lizard you’re referring to. While others can last up to two months, some can only last for two to three weeks.

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Lizards accustomed to dry habitats can survive for extended periods of time without water. However, lizards native to tropical climates struggle to survive without water. Observe yourself by keeping a note of the lizard’s body. It is dehydrated if you notice that it is looking smaller. In order to have the capacity to adapt to a new environment, baby lizards need more food. You may not be aware, but lizards store extra body fat in their tails. They can survive for the day by breaking down the fat that is stored in their tails whenever they need more energy.

Leopard geckos, for instance, can go longer than a month without eating. A mature bearded dragon, however, cannot survive without food for more than three weeks. Maintaining your lizard’s health is crucial overall.

Can a Lizard Live for 5 Years?

Nevertheless, females had a maximum lifespan of 5 years and males of 4 years. The frequency of lizards between the ages of 1 and 3 years was comparable, but the number of lizards who reached the age of 4 years decreased by almost 50%.2

Conclusion on Lizards Live Time

Depending on the breed and whether they are in the wild or kept in captivity, lizards can live anywhere between 3 and 50 years.

Lizards are adaptable animals and very popular with pet owners.

The average lifespan of a lizard is unknown, but it is safe to say that a lizard kept in captivity will live much longer than one that is left to its own devices.

Do your research if you’re thinking about getting a lizard as a pet, and you can relax knowing that you’ll be giving the lucky reptile a longer life span as a result.